Using Photos
The quality of photography is one of the most integral parts of visualization when uploading photos that embody a trademark. Trademark positioning on the product and the display thereof should be of utmost consideration. Photos should be expressive and compelling, thereby communicating the diversity of our trademarks.
Understanding how to place the trademarks on the product, considering other details around the mark that may deter its identity, and then developing the techniques necessary to photograph them for proper display is an art form in and of itself. Photography is a powerful asset for visual storytelling. It helps us paint a full, rich picture of our environment and how the Keiser University® trademarks are utilized within the marketplace.
However, please note when adding photos, awareness must be placed on ownership of such content. For example, if your friend takes a photo at a football game, in order to use this photo, we must first obtain written permission from that friend to use the photo as your friend has ownership thereof. This can cause copyright issues for Keiser University; however, it is an easy fix if protocols are followed.
Since copyright registration is not required and it is established when the work is created, written permission from the creator (in this case, your friend who took the photo) and a copy of the photo must be submitted to the legal department for recording prior to use. In addition to photos, any music, videos, custom fonts, artwork, designs, sheet music, recordings of songs, or other media or print sources that do not belong to Keiser University® or that Keiser University cannot show evidence of the right of use cannot be utilized on any website, social media, or other media or print sources associated with Keiser University without such documentation sent to our legal department.